Algiers Bike Path

This route is from the river walk of the French Quarter to the ferry ride to Algiers Point. Once there, you can ride the bike path over to Gretna and return on the Gretna ferry back to the French Quarter.


Algiers Bike Path

Cemetery Cruise

This route takes you from the French Quarter uptown to the Garden District. Visit the Lafayette Cemetery for it’s historic architecture. Check out shops and restaurants on Magazine St. & St. Charles Ave.


Algiers Bike Path

City Park Ride

This ride starts in the French Quarter all the way up Esplanade Ave. to City Park. Once there you can visit the New Orleans Museum of Art, or simply ride around the bayou and take in the scenic views.


Algiers Bike Path

Riding the Levy

This route starts in the French Quarter and takes you along the riverbank and beyond the tracks to a scenic view of the Mississippi.


Algiers Bike Path